Villains and Vigilantes
Roleplaying games started up in the early 1970's with TSR's Dungeons and Dragons. The success of this game saw the market open to a flood of other products, covering a wide range of topics. It was only a matter of time before superhero roleplaying games joined the throng. And those games, in turn, eventually started feeding back into the genre which created them. The Wild Cards novels had initially been conceived by writers who had roleplayed together, and a number of the characters in the books had started their lives in those games. Hero Games took their headline characters, the Guardians, to Eclipse, where they were published under the name used for Hero's superhero game, Champions; the initial mini-series was so successful that Hero launched it's own comic line. And probably most the most successful move was for Bill Willingham; having written and illustrated two scenarios (adventures) for Fantasy Games Unlimited Villains and Vigilantes games, he transplanted the supervillain group the Destroyers from those scenarios straight into his Elementals title.
With the success of both their Hero Games rivals and Bill Willingham's work, it wasn't surprising that FGU decided to try their characters in comic format. And so Eclipse Comics published a four issue mini-series under the title Villains and Vigilantes, the storyline based on the first V&V module, Crisis at Crusaders' Citadel. While fun (well, I enjoyed it), it wasn't successful enough to go beyond that initial run.
The Crusaders
The Crushers
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