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7 June 2023

Updated some of the UK comic title pages, notably Zip, Wow! and Young Marvelman.

30 May 2023

More updates are in the Golden Age U.S. comics sections. Big update for Speed comic and related pages.

23 May 2023

Though I'm not planning on continuing to use this update page for too much longer, while it is still here, I may as well mention that most of the recent updates are in the Golden Age U.S. comics sections.

May 2023

I've finally admitted to myself that the page I am most remiss at keeping up to date is this one. So while I have been updating and adding various pages, and am trying to get back to doing so more regularly, this updates page is going to get phased out, as it's actually counter-productive, since it's giving the impression that the site is dead, which isn't the case. Often slumbering perhaps, but not dead yet.

   One of the things I have started doing is adding a "first posted, last updated" note to pages as and when I update them. So anyone who is interested should be able to see from those if a page has been recently updated. Anything without such a note at the bottom of the page hasn't been updated prior to 2023. The "first posted" info is mostly "circa" since I can't recall it, and so am relying on checking the Wayback Machine. I started the site in January 2002, but the Wayback Machine only found the site in September 2004, so take it as read that if a given page says it was first posted circa September 2004 it was probably actually first uploaded a couple of years earlier than that.


All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.