Publisher: IPC
Format: Weekly anthology
First Issue: Monster Fun #1 (14th June 1975)
Last Issue: Monster Fun #73 (30th October 1976)
Absorbed: None
Absorbed into: Buster
Strips: Art's Gallery, Badtime Bedtime Storybook, Brainy and His Monster Maker, Cinders, Creature Teacher, Draculass, Dough Nut and Rusty, Frankie's Diary, Freaky Farm, Grizzly Bearhug - Giant, Gums, The Invisible Monster, Kid Kong, The Little Monsters, Major Jump - Horror Hunter, March of the Mighty Ones, Martha's Monster Make-Up, Mummy's Boy, Sam's Spook, S.O.S. - Save Our Stan, Teddy Scare, Terror TV, Tom Thumbscrew - The Torturer's Apprentice, X-Ray Specs
Comments: A weekly comedy/horror themed comic from IPC, Monster Fun began publication on 14th June 1975. The nominal editor was Ken Reid's Frankie Stein, previously one of the characters who had appeared in Wham! (in keeping with a meme of the time for having comic strip characters presented to the readers as editor of the comics, cf. Captain Hurricane in Battle Picture Weekly, Starlord in Starlord, Big E in Tornado, Ghastly McNasty in Scream, Mrs. Bruin in Rainbow, and, most famously, 2000 AD's editor Tharg). Monster Fun lasted just over a year, cancelling with its 73rd issue on 30th October 1976, after which it merged into Buster. Despite this relatively short run, it also enjoyed nine annuals, cover dated 1977 through 1985, plus two Summer Specials, 1975 and 1976, pre-merger, and seventeen, 1976 through 1995, after the merger.
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