Lone Warrior
Name: Stan Carter
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: Dicky (sidekick)
Enemies: Dictator's Shadow
Known Relatives: Unidentified father (the "world's greatest scientist"), Dicky (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: U.S.A.
First Appearance: Banner #3 (Ace Periodicals, 1941)
Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength. Superhuman speed.
History: Before he died, Stan Carter's scientist father injected his two sons, Stan and Dicky, with his experimental "Power Elixir". It left them both with a W-shaped scar on their chests, as well as superhuman powers. Using these abilities, as well as the Wonder Ship, a multi-terrain vehicle, Stan went on to fight crime as the Lone Warrior, with Dicky as his sidekick.
Comments: Thanks to Joe Bromhead for information on this character.
Thanks to Jess Nevins for allowing me to use information from his excellent Golden Age Heroes Directory. Thanks also to Richard Boucher & Darrin Wiltshire @ PR-Publications for permission to use information from their equally brilliant collection of Golden Age Sites, PR Publications. Their knowledge of Golden Age characters far outstrips my own.
Name: Dick Carter
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: School boy
Affiliations: Lone Warrior (partner)
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unidentified father (the "world's greatest scientist"), Stan (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: U.S.A.
First Appearance: Banner #3 (Ace Periodicals)
Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength. Superhuman speed.
History: Like his elder brother Stan, Dicky gained superhuman powers when he was injected with the "Power Elixir" by his scientist father. He used these to become his hero brother's sidekick.
Comments: None.
CLARIFICATIONS: The Lone Warrior should not be confused with
The Lone Avenger, Australian character
Lone Guardian, Canadian character, guardian of Mars
Lone Ranger (Western hero
Lone Rider, Western character created by Jack Kirby
Lone Star, from Captain Confederacy
Lonestarr, leader of Team Tejas
Dicky should not be confused with
Dick Demon, French character
Dick Tracy, newpaper strip detective
Dick Turpin, English highwayman
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.