The Lone Rider
Real Name:
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Masked vigilante
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Lightnin' (his white horse), Bright Feather, Hermit Slate, Swift Arrow
Enemies: The Lone Raider
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: White Brother
Base of Operations: American west, c.1880's
Appearance: The Lone Rider #1 (Ajax/Farrell, April 1951)
Powers/Abilities: Gunfighter
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blond
Summary: When danger or outlaws threatened his home, rancher Jim Larrimore would put on a black hood and become the Lone Rider.
Comments: Created by Jack Kamen.
There's a lot of similarity between this character and Jack Kirby's Lone Rider - same codename, horses both called Lightnin' (complete with the missing g at the end), very similar masks, blond under said mask. And though the Lightnin' horse he rides doesn't look like the one the Kirby Lone Rider rode, even that seeming discrepancy can be explained away because in his second story in Lone Rider#1, we get a flashback tale to Lone Rider finding Lightning, and he does so after being surviving being mauled by a bear and losing his previous mount; he's left semi-amnesiac, and can't recall what his prior mount looks like, and he chooses to call his new mount Lightnin' not because of its distinctive facial marking but because the name sounds familiar to him. So it's not impossible that this Ajax comics version might have been intended to be an unauthorized continuation of the earlier Kirby version, though of course that's only my speculation.
Many online sites, mine included in the past, have unwittingly mixed the details of the two together, and even those that list them as separate individuals often get the details of one mixed in with those of the other. Having now read as many of the issues each appear in as possible, I can confirm that the details on this site at least are correct (now).
I've now read every Lone Rider story that I'm aware of, and unless he's either in another story I've not heard of, or I missed something, he never removes his mask, even when put into jail or when he's been wounded and is unconscious while being treated for his wounds with the rest of his clothes removed.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): Lone Rider#1-26; The Rider#1-5; Swift Arrow#1-5
CLARIFICATIONS: Lone Rider should not be confused with
First Posted: Circa 14/09/2004
Last updated: 27/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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