Dick Turpin
Real Name:
Richard Turpin
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Highwayman, former butcher's apprentice
Group Membership:
Affiliations: Essex gang, Tom King (the Gentleman Highwayman)
Enemies: James Smith (his former teacher, whose identification of Turpin's handwriting after his arrest for a minor crime as Palmer broke his alias, and thus sent him to the gallows)
Known Relatives: Elizabeth Millington (wife), John Turpin (father),
Aliases: John Palmer
Base of Operations: Essex
First Appearance: September 1706 A.D.
Powers/Abilities: Excellent rider and pistol shot (the real Turpin was actually a very poor shot, but this entry is as much about the fictional one as the real one)
Comments: Karmesinangen notes "Dick Turpin's legend (as opposed to the brutal reality - he was a member of the nasty Essex Gang) comes to us mainly from the book 'Rookwood' by William Harrison Ainsworth, published in 1834. Michael Moorcock made recent use of the the legendary Turpin in his book 'The War Amonst The Angels' (published 1996)."
well as a TV series in the 1970's, Dick has also been fictionalised as
in a comic strip in the Sun Comic in the 1950's. These stories were
later reprinted with Dick's name changed to Jack
O'Justice in the Valiant comic
in the 1960's.
The real life Turpin was hanged on the 7th April, 1739, and was buried in the churchyard of St.George's Church, York.
Cover of Black Bess, or the Knight of the Road, a Penny Dreadful.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints):
In prose
In comics
In film &TV
Played by:
In audio & radio
Played by:
On stage
Played by:
Alternate versions:
Cameos, analogues and homages:
Contributors to this page:
Character Name should not be confused with:
First Posted: 11/11/1111
Last updated: 11/11/1111
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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