Blade (1998)
other movies sharing the same reality: Blade II (2002); Blade: Trinity (2004)
TV series sharing the same reality: Blade: The Series
Blade marked the first truly successful live-action movie made about a Marvel superhero. With Wesley Snipes in the main role, the character was re-vamped (no pun intended) to give him superhuman powers the comics version didn't have (at that time), plus a partner Whistler, previously only seen in the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon. However what it did right was to treat its subject matter with respect, and no matter the surface changes, to keep the heart of the original.
New characters
So which mainstream Marvel characters have counterparts in this reality?
Lead characters: Blade (Eric Brooks - gained a real name in this incarnation)
Supporting cast, etc: None
Fellow heroes: Hannibal King, Nightstalkers, Marc Spector (mentioned)
Villains: Deacon Frost, Drake, Steppin' Razor, Bad Blood
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