Membership: Asad, Nyssa, Reinhardt, Snowman, Verlaine, Lighthammer, Chupa, Verlaine
Purpose: Originally to kill Blade, changed to working with Blade to hunt down and exterminate the reapers
Affiliations: the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation); Blade (some genuinely his ally, some reluctantly and only while facing the reapers)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Base of Operations:
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
History: The Bloodpack was a small tactical unit created by the Shadow Cabinet to get kill Blade. They trained for two years towards this end, but then Jared Nomak, carrier of a mutation of the vampire 'virus' (dubbed the 'reaper strain') escaped and started infecting all those he fed upon. The Bloodpack were then sent to help Blade hunt down Nomak and the reapers and to stop the spread of the reaper strain.
Comments: Thanks to Raven Silvers for additional information on the Bloodpack.
Name: Dieter Reinhardt
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Ron Perlman.
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation), Blade
Enemies: Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: Eli Damaskinos (father), Jared Nomak (brother)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Leonor Valera.
Name: Unrevealed, might be Chupa
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Matt Schulze.
Name: Unrevealed, might be Asad
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation), Blade
Enemies: Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Danny-John Jules.
Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation), Blade
Enemies: Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Donnie Yen.
Name: Unrevealed, might be Verlaine
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: Raquel (twin sister, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Marit Velle Kile. The fact that she is Raquel's twin is never officially mentioned in the film itself, but it was in the script's final draft.
Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Tony Curran.
Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Vampire
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: The Bloodpack, the Shadow Cabinet (ruling party of the Vampire Nation)
Enemies: Blade, Whistler, reapers, Jared Nomak
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Blade II (New Line Cinema, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Vampire - possessed superhuman strength and endurance, healed swiftly from most wounds. Needed blood to survive, vulnerable to silver, garlic and sunlight.
Comments: Played by Daz Crawford.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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