Wizard (1971)
Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Strips continuing from previous year: Doc Croc; The Early Days of...; Here Comes Whack!; Inspector Bonehead; The Lost Boy of Redman's Rock; Mulligan's Misfits; Poor Young Joe; Soldiers of the Jet Age; Stories of Stanton Town; Waif of the Speedway;
Strips returning from previous year: Billy Blunder; Flash Harry; The Place of the Fights; Return of the Clutching Hand; Scrappy, A Boy All Alone
Strips That Debuted in 1971: Ambling Archie; Arny's Army; Away Went Kelly; The Barrow Boy from Mars; The Boy from Winter Island; Breakneck Bradshaw; Coote's Crocks; Dolphin of the Space Patrol; Down the Thunderhoof Trail; The Fiery Man at Number Six; From Under the Sea They Came; Goals from Nowhere; Ironfist; The Jinx on Big Joe; Johnny Winchester; The Killers of Kima; Len, Ben and a Bren; The Lost 47 Minutes; The Lost Years of Lonely Martin; Mister Meek - The Tombstone Terror; The Motorbike Mountie; Muggins; Ossie the Wizard; The Red Rangers; The River Raiders; The Scarlet Scorpions; Shinguard Smith; Simple Simons; The Team That Lost At Home; The Terrors of Iceberg Bay; The Wide-Awake Wanderers;
Comments: In 1971 thirty-one new strips began.
Summary of strip changes by issue:
The Terrors of Iceberg Bay |
The Boy from Winter Island |
The Lost Years of Lonely Martin |
Arny's Army |
Dolphin of the Space Patrol |
Ossie the Wizard |
Simple Simons, the Worst Centre in Football |
Johnny Winchester |
The River Raiders |
Breakneck Bradshaw |
Goals from Nowhere |
The Red Rangers |
Len, Ben and a Bren |
Down the Thunderhoof Trail |
The Lost 47 Minutes |
The Killers of Kima |
The Team That Lost At Home |
The Motorbike Mountie |
The Wide-Awake Wanderers |
Mister Meek - The Tombstone Terror |
Shinguard Smith |
Ambling Archie |
Away Went Kelly |
From Under the Sea They Came |
Coote's Crocks |
The Jinx on Big Joe |
The Scarlet Scorpions |
The Barrow Boy from Mars |
First Posted: 01/05/2024
Last updated: 01/05/2024
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