Phantom Patrol
Sergeant Joe Timm, Corporal Jock McLuckie, Private Paddy O'Connell, others
Purpose: To get home alive
Affiliations: Cornelius Kerrigan
Enemies: Commander Erhart
Base of Operations: Mobile through history
First Appearance: Swift Vol.9 #5 (Odhams, 3rd February 1962)
History: Crete, the summer of 1941. A British infantry patrol led by Sergeant Joe Trimm has commandeered a British tank abandoned after its crew was slain, and are trying to make it back to rendevous with landing craft for evacuation, when they are pinned down by advancing Nazi forces. A German shell exposes a hidden cave, and seeking shelter within, the British troops discover a crashed UFO. Searching within, Joe scavenges a strange looking control box, but as the Nazis close on the group's position, the British troops escape through the caves. Emerging close to their landing craft, the British are attacked by a Stuka dive-bomber, and taking cover, Joe accidentally activates the alien device he is carrying... and plane disappears. The group finds themselves back in the midst of the Trojan War, which proves to be only the start of their adventures as they try to make their way home, visiting several different eras. Along the way they capture the conniving U-Boat commander Erhart, and gain an ally in futuristic policeman Cornelius Kerrigan.
Written by Willie Paterson and drawn by Gerry Embleton.
The series was reprinted under the title "The Ghost Patrol" in Smash! #1-26, Parts of the series were reprinted in 2000AD Summer Special 1979, and 2000AD Annuals 1979 through 1981, as well as Starlord Annual 1981. The entire story of the Phantom Patrol was reprinted in 2009 as a trade paperback from Bear Alley Books, but sadly it only had a very limited print run and is no longer available.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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