Ace Lightning
Name: Ace Lightning
Identity/Class: Hologram
Occupation: Lightning Knight
Affiliations: Mark Hollander, Sparx
Enemies: Lord Fear, Googler, Pigface, Staffhead, Anvil, Dirty Rat,
Lady Illusion, Kilobyte;
Random Virus (only an enemy of the Lightning
Knights when he’s in evil mode – and he has a faulty program which
means he often switches back and forth between good and evil – the good
side of him is one of Ace’s best friends, and though he appears to have
little contact with Sparx, they still apparently know each other)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: U.S.A.;
originally Sixth Dimension
First Appearance: Ace Lightning (4th September 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Able to fly, able to fire bolts of lightning. He recharges by draining electricity from objects which use same, such as car batteries.
History: Mark Hollander had recently moved to America from his native England. One night, as a storm raged around his house, he played his favourite video game, "Ace Lightning and the Carnival of Doom". Mark had just discovered a hidden level (#7), and was about to enter it, when lightning struck the satellite dish. The power raced through the cables, down into Mark's computer, somehow bringing the characters within the program to life.
Now Ace Lightning and his enemies are real, and continuing their battles to gather the pieces of the Amulet of Zoar, starting with a fight in Mark's back yard - to them the real world is simply another level of the video game. Afterwards, when the villains had fled into the night to regroup, Ace enlisted Mark's assistance, figuring he had to be a fellow "Lightning Knight". Now Mark has to struggle to be a superhero, while also trying to live a normal life.
Comments: His voice is provided by Michael Riley.
Thanks to Chris Sheldon for additional information.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
The Ace, Canadian hero
Ace Hart, 1940's British superhero
Ace McCloud of the Centurions
Ace of Diamonds, Lone Star heroine
Ace of Wands, 1960's British television magician
Ace Rimmer from Red Dwarf
Lightning, Golden Age American hero
Lightning, THUNDER Agent
Litening, Golden Age British hero
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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