Los Superfrios (literally The Supercold, more properly Those Super Cools)
Carita; Borromeo; Gardino; Count; Quintin
Purpose: To punish evil-doers
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
Base of Operations: Mexico
First Appearance: los Superfrios (1960's)
History: Los Superfrios is the story of Quintin, a cemetary sexton, and his four un-dead friends. One, "Count", is a vampire, but the rest are a form of zombie or revenant. There is Carita, the only female of the group, Borromeo, a large, bald, heavily built man, and Gardino, who is gay as well as being undead.
Except for the Count, the un-dead Superfrios are all missing parts of their anatomy (Carita has no lips, Borromeo has no flesh on his forearms, and Gardino has no eyeballs), although why they have parts missing is unknown (to the chronicler here at least - Jean-Paul, who supplied the information on them speculates the absent bits may have been eaten by worms). While not superheros in the conventional sense, they do hunt down people who are "evil" and kill them.
Comments: Thanks to Jean-Paul Tantte Rodriguez for providing information on and images of this character, and to Jon Glade of the International Comics Club for passing this information on. In addition to the above origin information, Jean-Paul also relayed the following through Jon:
Los Superfrios, with the possible exception of Quintin, have a form of invulnerability as the dead cannot be harmed, and they also eat "magic worms" which makes their appearances seem normal to the living.
"Los Superfrios is a title which billed itself as containing macabre humor and black humor. I'm sure it didn't take itself seriously and it probably appealed to a different set of readers than did characters like El Hombre Invisible, Kaliman, and other heroic figures. Mexico has a healtier attitude toward death than most of the world, and Los Superfrios (which can be translated as "Those Super-cools") obviously has connections to El Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday), at least in its choice of images. There may be an element of punishment in the disfigurements of Carita, Borromeo, and Gardino, as the beautiful girl has no lips with which to kiss, the strongman has no muscles on his forearms, and the gay character (who is vain about his "beauty face") has no eyes with which to admire his reflection. Jean-Paul's speculation that the characters disfigurments may be due to them having been feasted upon by worms seems plausible, since it has a interesting connection to Los Superfrios eating "magic worms" in order to appear as normal, living persons. Any group in which the most mundane member is a vampire obviously falls outside the conventions of capes and cowls, but the semi-invulnerability and disguise elements of the stories would give Los Superfrios some tangental connection to comics featuring costumed heroes."
Jean-Paul also notes that while a literal translation of the group's name is Super Cold, Frios (cold) in Mexican slang can mean Muertos (dead), so they might also be considered to be called the Super Dead.
The artist was Leon Zam; Jean-Paul speculates that "Zam" may be short for Zamora."
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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