Steam Detectives
"The Streets here are continually enshrouded in white mist. Steam rises from everywhere, obscuring the streets and buildings. Because coal was the only fuel available, this city developed an incredibly advanced steam technology. Unfortunately, evil-doers take advantage of this white fog to commit countless crimes and continually baffle the police. At night, the white mist shrouds the darkness, intimidating everyone. People call this city enveloped in mist, Steam City."
Steam Detectives is a steampunk world of the Steam City, a mixture of stereotypical Victorian London and Tokyo's industrial Asakusa district. Residents have both English and Japanese names. Because coal is the only source of fuel, city residents have developed extensive use of complex steam technology. Electricity is used only for lighting and in small gadgets like radio transmitters. Automatic coal burners have taken the place of internal combustion engines, creating smaller steam vehicles and an occasional megamaton - steam-powered giant robot. Steam City's five clock towers work by steam and every household has its own steam engine. Steam power is used in such an extent that the streets are shrouded in white mist - and criminals use that to their advantage.
Steam Detectives is also a world of melodramatic plots, mad scientists and fiendish returning supervillains with maniacal laughter.
Steam Detectives was created by Kia Asamiya of Silent Möbius fame. Some of the stories are published in English by Viz Comics.
Thanks to Vesa Lehtinen for the above information.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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