Iberia Inc.
Aquaviva; Drac
de Ferro; Dolmen;
Trasnu; (former member) Traka
Purpose: To serve and protect the Spanish people at the behest of the Spanish government
Affiliations: Operatives of the Spanish government; allies (after an initial misunderstanding) of Triada Vertice; Juan Pedro Lazaro (government liason to the team)
Enemies: Unknown
Base of Operations: La Cartuja de Sevilla (an island), Spain
First Appearance: Iberia Inc. #1 (Six issue mini-series from Planeta's Laberinto imprint, 1996)
History: Iberia Inc. is a team of superheroes who work for the Spanish government.
Comments: Created by Rafael Marín and Carlos Pacheco.
Thanks to Jose Ramon Vidal of the Yahoo International Comics Club who first alerted me to the existance of these characters, and who provided most of the information used in this profile. He notes "Iberia Inc was created to be part of a RPG setting (never published), later to be a miniseries in Marvel UK and finally published by Planeta in his own world setting. Pachecho and Marin created the characters but the series' artist was Rafa Fronteriz."
The group cameod in Avengers Forever, a Marvel mini-series which Carlos worked on.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Ibéroes, another Spanish superteam
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.