Trueno (Thunder)
Name: Miguel Angel Roldán
Identity/Class: Cyborg
Occupation: Scientist
Affiliations: Iberia Inc
Enemies: Zig, Zag
Known Relatives: Capitan Trueno, El Jabato, El Hombre Prehistorico, El Corsario de Hierro (Captain Thunder, The Young Wild Boar, The Prehistoric Man, The Iron Privateer - all ancestors)
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Spain
First Appearance: Iberia Inc. #1 (Four issue mini-series from Planeta's Laberinto imprint, 1996)
Powers/Abilities: His mechanical hands have superhuman strength, can blast energy bolts, and can be remote controlled at a distance.
History: Trueno was a twice Nobel winning scientist, earning the second one the same year he lost both of his hands in a lab accident. Having been brought up in America, he decided to return home to his native Spain, where he designed himself a pair of mechanical hands, and took up a new career, leading the Spanish superhero group Iberia Inc.
Comments: Created by Rafael Marín and Carlos Pacheco.
Trueno was seen
among the gathered forces of Avengers taken from across the dimensions in
Marvel Comics Avengers Forever, a series with art by Carlos Pacheco.
Thanks to Jose Ramon Vidal of the Yahoo International Comics Club who first alerted me to the existence of this character, and who provided most of the information used in this profile (plus the image to the right).
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Trueno, a Mexican hero
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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