Real Name:
Jerry O'Neill
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Burglar, former police officer
Affiliations: Mouse (partner), Demon (ally), Kunoichi, Claude Beauchamp; formerly Yakuza
Enemies: Yakuza, Mafia, Tooth, Nail, Skull, Crossbones
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New Orleans
First Appearance: Cat and Mouse #1 (EFGraphics, May 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled burglar, acrobat and martial artist.
History: Jerry was a New Orleans cop who felt that he had been unjustly treated by his department. He turned to burglary as a way of getting back at them, eventually acquiring a partner (Mouse) and training from Kunoichi of the Yakuza. When the Yakuza sent the pair into a Mafia ambush, they went independent, only to have their former employers send the assassins Tooth and Nail after them, and later Skull and Crossbones.
Comments: Created by Roland Mann and Steven Butler.
After first appearing in their own title for the short lived EFGraphics, Cat and Mouse found a new home, appearing first in Ex-Mutants #14 (preview short story, Eclipse Comics) before regaining their own title at Aircel in March 1990, a series which lasted 18 issues.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Cat, Haunted
Cat, Canadian
Cat, Bunty
Cat, agent of the Shroud
Cat, member of the GeneDogs
Cat, Australian hero
Cat-Girl, 40s
Cat Girl, from Sally
Cat-Man, Golden Age hero
Cat-Man, Australian
Catman, Canadian hero
Catman, Hong Kong hero
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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