Bomb Queen
Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Supervillain, ruler of New Port
Affiliations: Ashe; formerly the Four Queens (Ice Queen, Drama Queen, Scream Queen)
Enemies: Blacklight, Rebound, Bomb King (formerly Ice Queen), Drama Queen, Scream Queen
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New Port, USA
First Appearance: Bomb Queen #1 (Image, 2006)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled with explosive, excellent fighter and acrobat. Her cat Ashe also possesses unspecified magical powers.
History: The Four Queens were a quartet of supervillainesses who conquered the city of New Port, driving out or slaying all the local heroes and any villains who thought to oppose them. After taking over, the Queens then turned against each other, and they fought for final supremacy. Bomb Queen won. Though a dictator, the people of New Port largely accept her rule as she keeps the rest of the city's villains on a tight leash and her laissez faire government has brought massive amounts of laundered money into the city, while the rest of the US finds her rule tolerable because her hero-free city has drawn many of the country's supervillains to move there, reducing the crime problem in the rest of the country. However should she step outside the city limits even for a moment, the law is waiting to swoop.
Comments: Created by Jimmie Robinson.
Bomb Queen will be appearing in the War of the Independents.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Bombshell, Golden Age hero
Bombshell, partner of Spy Boy
Bombshell, foe of the Guardsmen
Bombshell, daughter of the above with explosive powers, foe of the Hero Alliance
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