Real Name: Phyllis Tanner
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Spy for S.H.I.R.T.S. (Secret Headquarters International Reconnaissance, Tactics, and Spies)
Group Membership: S.H.I.R.T.S., Iron Giant Chef pilots
Affiliations: SpyBoy,
Prime Number, Butch Moody, Sean Fleming, M.A.N.G.A. (Middle Asian Network
of Global Activities);
antagonistic but on the same side Spygirl
Enemies: S.K.I.N.S. (Supreme Killing Institute: Barbie Q, Gila, Judge, Jury, others), Palindrome (Madam Imadam, Takematsea, others), Mrs Hyde, Slackjaw, Annie Mae, Jose Gekko, Killadilla, Hanging Chad, SpyGuy, Dreamboat
Known Relatives: Unidentified parents, unidentified grandfather
Aliases: Marta Hari (in school, faking as Alex or Spy Boy's girlfriend)
Base of Operations: New Jersey
Appearance: SpyBoy #1 (Dark Horse Comics)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled fighter and explosives expert. Extremely acrobatic. Usually armed with a variety of covert weapons, hidden explosives, and other spy gadgets including hypnodiscs, claw-fingertipped gloves for holding on to surfaces, etc.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde (wears black wig when disguised as Marta)
Summary: Thrown out by her parents as a young teen, Phyllis Tanner literally fell into the camouflaged secret headquarters of spy agency SHIRTS. Proving to have an aptitude for covert operations, she was recruited by them and became the operative codenamed Bombshell, later being partnered with SpyBoy.
Comments: Created by Peter David and Pop Mhan.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): SpyBoy#1-12, 14-17; SpyBoy/Young Justice#1-3; SpyBoy Special; SpyBoy: Final Exam#1-4; SpyBoy: The Manga Affair#13.2; Dark Horse Presents Annual 2000; Dark Horse Extra#45
Contributors to this page: David Pedigo
Bombshell should not be confused with:
First Posted: Circa 14/09/2004
Last updated: 27/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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