Real Name:
Identity/Class: Diety
Occupation: Warrior
Group Membership: Olympian gods
Affiliations: Betty
Enemies: Koro, Hitler, Striker (Jolly Rodney), Charles Bonfeld
Known Relatives: Mars (Roman god of war, father)
Aliases: Son of War, disguised himself as Adolf Hitler
Base of Operations: Europe, formerly planet Mars
First Appearance: Boy Comics #3 (Lev Gleason, 1942)
Bombshell's sword can cut tanks in half with ease, but cannot harm a
living human. His shield can block bullets, and he is durable enough that
a direct shell hit merely stuns him. Excellent fighter.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blond
Summary: Angry that Hitler had perverted war into a reckless slaughter for selfish greed, the god of war Mars chose to send a representative to Earth to stop the Nazis, knowing that whoever was picked could never return to the red planet, but realizing that he could not simply destroy the German armies with his lightning, lest innocent men who had been forced to fight died along with the guilty. While trying to decide who to send, Mars' son Bombshell saved Mars and his ministers from being ambushed and slain by the fearful monster Koro, and the proud father decided that his son was the worthy candidate. He arms him with a sword that can destroy the weapons of war, but cannot take a human life, and a few days later Bombshell hit the battlefields of Europe, soon becoming a feared legend among the Germans.
Comments: Created by Dick Wood.
I'm seeing various sites list his real name as Dryas, but having read all his stories I only see him being called Bombshell, even by his father. Dryas appears to have been a name originated on The Unofficial Guide to the Mythological Universe that has been mistakenly treated as canonical by other internet sites, this one included until I managed to actually read all his adventures.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): Boy Comics#3-7
Bombshell should not be confused with
First Posted: Circa 18/09/2004
Last updated: 27/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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