Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed - human mutate, magic user or technology user
Occupation: Criminal for hire
Group Membership: Silver City Wranglers
Affiliations: Formerly Cimarron
Enemies: Liberty Project
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Silver City, New Mexico
First Appearance: Liberty Project#3 (Eclipse, August 1987)
Powers/Abilities: Bohunk's big, inhumanly strong and almost as smart as a bag full of hammers.
Height: Unrevealed - well above
average, perhaps 6'6"; he was still tall, albeit not quite so tall,
prior to his empowerment
Weight: Unrevealed but presumably well above average due to his
excessive musculature and disproportionate upper body.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Brown
History: The Silver City Wranglers were a gang of Hell-raising youths in their early twenties, known for carousing and brawling but never anything more serious. However, after one of their number, the superhumanly strong Rosalita "Cimarron" Vasquez, got sentenced to serious jail time for a solo rampage in Las Vegas, the others felt that raising Hell for fun had lost its charm. Obtaining superpowers for themselves under unrevealed circumstances, they became criminals for hire. The dim-witted Bohunk, already large and muscular, became superhumanly so, to the point where his upper body was now disproportionately larger than his lower half. When they were hired by the industrial spy Durango to steal an experimental weapon created by Nelson Aviation, the Wranglers discovered that the government agents assigned to guard it were the Liberty Project, superhuman convicts working towards parole, and that their numbers included Cimarron. Despite the Project's best efforts, the Wranglers managed to steal the weapon, but the Project tracked them down to where they were intending to hand off the weapon to Durango. The Project members destroyed the weapon rather than let it fall into the wrong hands, but the Wranglers escaped.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek and James W. Fry. Thanks to James Fry for additional information about the character.
Appearance checklist (not including reprints): Liberty Project#3-4
Bohunk should not be confused with:
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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