Detective Roberta Bliss
Name: Roberta Bliss
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Homicide Detective
Affiliations: New York Police Department; Detective Sergeant Simons, Detective Fiona Larabee, Jennifer Mays, Gabriel Webb
Enemies: Dr Rune
Known Relatives: Hector and Eduardo (sons), Terry (ex-husband and crooked cop, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance: Maze Agency #1 (Comico, 1988)
History: Roberta Bliss is a homicide cop whose cases often bring her into contact with Jennifer Mays and Gabriel Webb. She gained her promotion to detective after the death of Arthur Drogan, Jennifer May's ex-boyfriend. She is a chain smoker and if she cannot smoke, she chews bubble gum. She is also somewhat grumpy, apparently because she had had to struggle to the position she holds in the police force.
Powers/Abilities: A pretty good detective, a decent shot, but nothing superhuman.
Comments: Created by Mike Barr.
Thanks to Vesa Lehtinen for additional information.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
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