
Real Names: Bundh, Durge, Fraak, Gronk, Nanog, Sneer, Thogh, Ulgor

Identity/Class: Faerie

Occupation: Servants of Empress Terra Tyrannia

Group Membership: Empress Terra Tyrannia's Slavers

Affiliations: Gargantua, Empress Terra Tyrannia, an unidentified wizard

Enemies: Crimson Guard (Chat Noir, Dynamo, Klondike, Raven, Seeker)

Known Relatives: Each other

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Empress Terra Tyrannia's underground empire, located near the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border

First Appearance: Adventurer Magazine#2 (Mersey Leisure Publishing, June/July 1986)

Powers/Abilities:The Slavers have low level superhuman strength, and carry both Battle-Staffs capable of generating energy blasts and whips which can generate a paralyzing field. They have excellent night vision, but find sunlight or other bright lights blinding and painful.

Height: Unrevealed; likely slightly above human average

Summary: Faerie folk sold to Empress Terra Tyrannia almost 800 years ago, when they were but infants, the Slavers were raised to be her most loyal servants.


Comments: Created by Patrick Zircher.

The Slavers should not be confused with:

First Posted: 14/05/2023
Last updated: 14/05/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.

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