White Dwarf magazine started as a general roleplaying magazine, covering all genres of roleplaying, and almost every game on the market, not just those produced by the company printing it. Eventually it turned into a "house magazine," only printing stuff to cover the games produced by Games Workshop. I.m.o. it went from one of the best magazines on the market to a sad shadow of its former self.
During its early run it covered the rise of superhero games and carried a smattering of adventures for same, complete with characters.
Slayground - # 39 (March 83) |
Professor Death |
The Thing With No Name |
Bast |
Strikeback - # 58
Peking Duck - # 67
Starlight Pact - #69
The Coven - # 70
Reunion - # 70
The American Dream - # 73
The Pilcomayo Project - # 78
National Defence League
Firebird | Patriot | Mr Magic | Stretcho | Redskin | Powerchord |
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