Vera Ray
Name: Vera Ray
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Adventurer
Affiliations: Tom Parnell (boyfriend)
Enemies: Sitnaltans ("Animal men")
Known Relatives: Dr. Hannibal Ray (father)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Appearance: Spicy Mystery (1940)
Powers/Abilities: Glows in the dark, able to paralyse or kill with a touch. Invulnerable.
History: Exposed to her scientist father's "Green Ray" since birth, Vera Ray developed strange powers as she grew older. Her slightest touch could paralyse most people, though in her boyfriend Tom Parnell's case, he gained temporary superhuman strength instead.
Comments: Drawn by Watt Dell.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Ray, Quality Comics hero
Ray Presto, school boy magician
Ray Tracer, ReBoot
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