"Silicon" Valerie
Real Name:
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: School student, spy
Affiliations: member of Danger Girl
Enemies: Hammer Syndicate
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown - the team is active across the world, but I'm unsure where they base themselves.
First Appearance: Danger Girl Preview Exclusive #1 (Cliffhanger, an Image Comics imprint, 1997)
Powers/Abilities: Computer expert
History: British schoolgirl Valerie was the youngest of the agents recruited by former spy Deuce when he was forming his Danger Girl team. Though she lacked combat skills, her youth and relative vulnerability were more than balanced by her incredible understanding of technology, in particular computers. Valerie rarely accompanied the rest of the team into the field (their choice, not hers), but worked as back-up. She was the first of the team to fully accept the latest recruit, Abbey Chase; she also has a crush on their oft-times ally, suave CIA operative Johnny Barracuda.
Comments: Created by J. Scott Campbell.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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