Purple Mask
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Criminal mastermind
Affiliations: His gang
Enemies: Dandy Jim Brewster, Brody Brewster, the police
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: North America
Appearance: Dandy #1006
(D.C.Thomson, 4th March 1961)
Powers/Abilities: The Purple Mask wields a gun that sprays "the Purple Cloud," a gas that dissolves all metals except silver, and which knocks out anyone it comes into contact with, leaving them with purple skin. He travels in an aerial ship resembling a flying saucer.
History: The Purple Mask was a criminal mastermind who terrorised North America using his Purple Cloud to destroy infrastructure and pillage towns. Of all those who opposed him, only Dandy Jim Brewster, who possesses a black gas gun that counteracts the Purple Cloud, had any chance of stopping him.
Comments: Created by Charlie Grigg
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Purple Hood, British government agent
Purple Mask, Golden Age vigilante
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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