Pangeran Mlaar
Name: Mlaar
Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial mutate
Occupation: King of Covox.
Affiliations: Godam, Gundala, Maza, Aquanus, Tira, Merpati, Boga, Kalong, Kartubi, Sembrani.
Enemies: Taring Emas (Golden Fang)
Known Relatives: Unidentified father (deceased), unidentified uncle
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Covox
Appearance: Perhitungan di Planet Covox (Gundala series, Kentjana Agung
Publishing, 1969)
Powers/Abilities: Able to elongate his body like elastic.
History: After his father was deposed, Prince Mlaar was rescued by his scientist uncle, who gifted him with the ability to bend and stretch like elastic. When the hero Gundala visited his world, he assisted Mlaar in winning back his throne
Comments: Created by Harya Suraminata a.k.a Hasmi.
Profile by Berny Julianto.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Elongated Man, another elastic hero
Plasticman, a similarly powered hero from America
Mr. Fantastic, yet another elastic hero
Lastikman, an elastic Filipino hero
Rubberman, an elastic UK hero
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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