Real Name:
Neptunia (presumably)
Identity/Class: Diety
Occupation: Goddes of the Sea
Affiliations: Unknown (presumably the Gods of Olympus)
Enemies: Venus
Known Relatives: Neptune (father)
Aliases: Diana Seacrest
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Venus #18 (Timely, February, 1949)
Powers/Abilities: Able to control the sea.
History: (Venus #18) Neptunia was the daughter of Neptune, God of the Seas. Believing her father had been killed by nuclear tests in the Pacific, she sought revenge on mankind, only to be thwarted by Venus, and apparently die, killed by a storm she had created.
Comments: Created by Bill Everett.
There is an excellent, much more in-depth profile of Neptunia here, written by William Uchtmann for the Appendix of the Marvel Universe site.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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