Jet Lagg
Real Name:
Larry Lagg
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: District Attorney
Affiliations: Spunky (sidekick), Fantastic 400
Enemies: Fu Klux Kevin, Queen Kong
Known Relatives: Spunky Sprog (ward), unidentified father (deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Manhattan
First Appearance: Super Spider-Man TV Comic #451 (Marvel UK, 28th October 1981)
Superhuman speed.
History: After receiving a blood transfusion from 4-minute mile runner Roger Bannister, Larry Lagg discovered he had gained the ability to move at superhuman speeds. Adopting a costume, and with his faithless punk ward Spunky acting as his sidekick, Larry became the superhero Jet Lagg.
Comments: Created by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
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