Real Name:
Andrea Thomas
Identity/Class: Magically enhanced human
Occupation: High school science teacher
Affiliations: Freedom Force; Captain Marvel; Tut (her crow); Rick (work colleague)
Enemies: The Dragon Riders; Morgana
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: The Secret of Isis - a segment of the Shazam / Isis hour (CBS, September 1975)
Powers/Abilities: The amulet allows Isis to fly, to run at superhuman speed, gives her superhuman strength, and the power of telekinesis.
(The Secret of Isis) While on an archeological dig, high school teacher
discovered an amulet that once belonged to an Egyptian queen. Putting it
on, she found that it magically granted superhuman powers to the wearer.
She stole the find, and decided to become the superheroine Isis (since that
was the name she had to invoke to draw on the amulet's powers).
(Freedom Force) After a successful solo career, Isis gathered together a team of fellow heroes to battle threats from throughout time.
Comments: There were 22 episodes of the live action Secrets
of Isis programme, which aired as part of the Shazam/ Isis hour. Isis met
her co-star a couple of times during the show's run. DC Comics, who owned
Captain Marvel by this point, launched a short lived Isis comic too. When
her own series ended, the Isis character was revived as the leader of Filmation's
Freedom Force cartoon, which aired as part of the Tarzan and Super 7 programme.
Joanna Cameron played the part in the live action show, while Diane Pershing
voiced the part for the cartoon.
Thanks to Carycomix for the clarification below.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Isis, star of Alias Comics "Legends of Isis"
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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