Name: Varen David
Identity/Class: Normal human (apparently)
Occupation: former circus strongman, later crimefighter
Affiliations: Bobbie Drew (reporter for Daily Globe)
Enemies: Lemo
Known Relatives: Dr.Vincent David (father, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: U.S.A.
First Appearance: Mystic Comics #3 (Timely Comics, June 1940)
Powers/Abilities: Hercules is exceptionally strong, nearly superhumanly so. He is able to withstand extreme cold with ease. Hercules is also a scientific genius.
History: (Mystic Comics #3) Raised in isolation by his scientist father, Hercules grew up on Snow Island in the Arctic. Thanks to his father's care, he grew up strong in both mind and body, standing nearly ten feet tall. After the death of his father, he stayed on his remote island until a couple of circus men hear rumours of him, leading them to him. They kidnap him, believing he will make a top attraction back in civilisation.
Marketing him as "Hercules", their estimation proves to be correct, as he draws in the crowds. After he saves a reporter's life from a rampaging bull, she suggests he use his immense strength for a greater good. Leaving the circus (without the unhappy owner's permission), Hercules saves the town from being submerged by a flood from a burst dam, and then sets out to end crime too.
(Mystic Comics #4) Next Hercules battled Lemo, an evil inventor.
In spite of his immense strength and height, there is nothing to suggest
Hercules is anything more than a regular, if exceptional, human.
Thanks to Jess Nevins for allowing me to use information from his excellent Golden Age Heroes Directory and his Guide to Golden Age Marvel Characters. Thanks also to Richard Boucher & Darrin Wiltshire @ PR-Publications for permission to use information from their equally brilliant collection of Golden Age Sites, PR Publications. Their knowledge of Golden Age characters far outstrips my own.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Hercules, the Greek God, in any of his various comic company incarnations
Hercules, Quality Comics' Golden Age hero
Hercules, Archie Comics' Golden Age hero
Hercules, member of the Space Sentinels and Freedom Force
Herculoids, team of alien warriors who defend their homeworld
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
All images and characters depicted on this site are copyright their respective holders, and are used for informational purposes only. No infringement is intended and copyrights remain at source.