Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Laser Hero"
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Golden Heroes Players Book (Games Workshop, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength, agility and reactions. Able to fly, and to blast laser beams (likely from his hands, given they are depicted as glowing with energy).
Height: Unrevealed - presumably
heroically above average
Weight: Muscular, so presumably above average
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Dark
Summary: Faser is a superhero with laser powers.
History: Nothing further.
Comments: Created by Mike Collins.
Faser appeared only in a single panel of a three panel strip in the Character Generation section of the Golden Heroes Players Book. The other panels of the mini-strip he appeared in depicted his player ("Dave") throwing the dice to create him and deciding on the hero's name based on the powers the rolls gave him.
CLARIFICATIONS:Faser should not be confused with:
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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