Frosty McNab
Real Name:
Frosty McNab
Identity/Class: Unconfirmed - appears to be a being of living ice
Occupation: Various, including mailman
Affiliations: None
Enemies: No ongoing foes - just anyone who picks on him.
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Freezy Wheeze Man
Base of Operations: Unidentified town (Beanotown?)
First Appearance: Beano#21 (D.C.Thomson, 17th December 1938)
Frost powers - able to freeze things with his icy breath. His body appears
to be composed of ice, as he suffered no real harm from being shot with a
blunderbuss and then having a hose shoved down his throat so that when the
water poured out of the holes it froze.
History: A man composed of living ice, Frosty McNab wanders through life going from one misadventure to the next.
Comments: Created by Sam Fair. Frosty appeared until Beano #130 (18th January 1941). He returned briefly in Sparky #2 (30th January 1965).
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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