Name: Sherman Fangsworth
Identity/Class: Werewolf
Occupation: Amateur detective.
Affiliations: Biff, Kim, Puggsy, Baby Fangs
Enemies: Cobra Queen
Known Relatives: Baby Fangs (cousin, also a werewolf)
Aliases: Pinhead
Base of Operations: Mobile across the U.S.A.
First Appearance: Fangface Episode #1 "A Heap of Trouble" (Ruby-Spears Production for ABC, 1979)
Powers/Abilities: Sherman transforms whenever he sees the moon, or even a picture of it. He changes back when he sees the sun, or picture of same. In his wolf form he is extremely strong and totally fearless, but not too bright.
History: Every 400 years, a baby werewolf is born
into the Fangsworth family, and so when the moon shined on little Sherman
Fangsworth, he changed into Fangface, a werewolf! Only the sun can change
him back to normal. And so little Fangs grew up and teamed up with three
daring teenagers: Kim, Biff and Puggsy, and together they find danger, excitement
and adventure! Who can save the day? Who can wrong the rights and right the
wrongs? None other than Fangface!
Fangface is Sherman Fangsworth, the recipient of a family curse that makes him a werewolf. Luckily he's reasonably benevolent in his lupine form, except for wanting to eat Sherman's best friend Puggsy anytime anyone mentions food. Sherman himself doesn't know he is a werewolf. Normally the curse only affects one family member every four hundred years, but in this generation it's afflicted both Sherman and his baby cousin.
Sherman is a member of a group of friends who wander the U.S. in the "Wolf Buggy", an orange convertible, working as amateur detectives. The rest of the gang is quite happy to make use of Sherman's curse if it will help solve a case.
Comments: Voiced by Frank Welker. The show lasted 32 episodes.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Scooby Doo, another canine who travels around America with a gang of teenagers solving mysteries
Captain Caveman, another hairy guy who travels around America with a gang of teenagers solving mysteries
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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