Name: Alex
Identity/Class: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: None
Arquero, Zenit
Known Relatives: Unidentified father (deceased), unidentifed brother or brothers
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Santiago de Chile (it's not named, but it can be extrapolated from some of the buildings seen)
First Appearance: Diablo #1 (Visual Ediciones under their Bandido imprint, 1996)
Powers/Abilities: Diablo has no powers, but his resistance and stamina are higher than a normal man and he is good with guns. He briefly gained the ability to fly using monstrous wings given to him by Zenit, but she took them back fairly quickly.
History: Alex's father made many questionable decisions in his life: he worked as an intelligence agent for the military government; he was a torture expert; and he made a pact with the devil, as Alex discovered to his cost years later, when he defended a girl who was being abused by two corrupted cops. They shot him and apparently died, but in the underworld he met the demonic Zenit and a mysterious lord (presumably Satan) who informed Alex he had to fulfill the terms of the deal his father had signed. He was returned to life with Zenit to watch over him, and tasked with sending souls to the underworld; an unwilling servant, the best he can do to control his own destiny is to choose evil people to fill his quota. His enemies mostly consist of supernatural and mystical types: wizards, witches and religious fanatics.
Created by Javier Ferreras and Mauricio Herrera. It is claimed that Diablo
is the first superhero created in Chile. Diablo is described as being a broth
of Spawn, the Crow movie, Hellblazer, but mainly Batman.
Thanks to Franco Torti for informing me of this character, and to Jorge Alberto Campos Jara and Alejandro Uwe for additional information.
Zenit, one of Diablo's antagonists. Though an enemy, she sometimes aids him, her goal being more along the lines of taunting and tormenting him than trying to destroy him. The above images depict two of her different looks. |
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Diabla, Australian demon kid
Diablo, enemy of Tim Kelly
Diablo, enemy of King Cobra
Diabolik, Italian villain
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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