Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Format: Weekly anthology
First Issue: 17th February 1973
Last Issue: 15th January 1983 (518 issues)
Absorbed: Spellbound
Absorbed into: Mandy
Strips: Cat's Eye Cottage, The Circus Slave, The Dark Days of Dorcas, Debbie Dean: The Little Beauty Queen, A Horse for Hattie, Jane Green's Schooldays, Lisa the Lonely Ballerina, Marsalla of the Mists, Mary Brown's Schooldays, The Randell Road Girls, The Rival O'Rileys, Supercats, Superstitious Cindy, Trixie's Treasure Chest, Ursula and the Time Umbrella, We'll Show Those Boys!
Comments: Debbie was a girls' comic launched by D.C. Thomson on 17th February 1973. As with most British girls' comics, it contained a mixture of comic strips and photo stories, and covered a broad range of genres, from romance to science fiction, horror and suspense to period drama, humour to superhero, all appearing alongside one another. One of the more successful girls' titles, it lasted for five hundred and thirteen issues, the final one coming out on the week of 15th January 1983, nearly a decade after the first issue. In 1978, during this lengthy run, Debbie absorbed Spellbound.
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