The Dark Newt
Name: Bruce Newt
Identity/Class: Normal newt
Occupation: Protector of the Pond
Affiliations: Sarcastic Tadpole
Enemies: The Tiddler
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Protector of the Pond
Base of Operations: U.K.
First Appearance: The Dandy #3590 (D.C.Thomson, 18th July 2012)
Powers/Abilities: Amphibious.
History: When another newt occupied his favourite floating twig and declared himself ruler of the pond, Bruce Newt decided to fight injustice, to become a symbol of vengeance for all oppressed newts, and the illogical urge to dress up in a mask and cape. Thus the Dark Newt was born!
Comments: Created by Lew Stringer.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Batman, a.k.a. the Dark Knight, who he parodies
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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