Captain Whoosh

Real Name: Unknown

Identity/Class: Human technology user

Occupation: Criminal

Affiliations: "Smart" Alec Bone (accomplice/lackey)

Enemies: Terry Ball

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: The Rocket Man

Base of Operations: Moortown, U.K.

First Appearance: Dandy #1342 (D.C.Thomson, 12th August 1967)

Powers/Abilities: Captain Whoosh wears a jet pack that allows him to fly.

History: Captain Whoosh was a daring criminal who utilised an advanced one-man jetpack in the commission of robberies, usually assisted by his accomplice "Smart" Alec Bone. The quick-witted young Terry Ball inexplicably tends to stumble across Whoosh in the middle of his larcenous activities, and thwarts most of them.

Comments: Created by Charlie Grigg.

CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with

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