Nina 9, Acid, Mark Salvos
Purpose: To arrest the Tecnocriminales
Affiliations: Ciudad Fuente police force
Enemies: Tecnocriminales
Base of Operations: Cuidad Fuente
First Appearance: B-Squad #1 (January 1996)
History: With crime in Ciudad Fuente running out of control, and the police unable to deal with the new "Tecnocriminales" (Techno-criminals), special measures are needed. A special unit of the police is formed, highly trained in specialised tactics and armed with ultramodern technology - B-Squad. They have permission to do whatever it takes to uphold the law - even if that means breaking it themselves.
Members of B-Squad include Nina 9 (pictured), a.k.a. Nina Thompson, a veteran of the Mars Wars transferred from the regular police because of her skills in communications and firearms; Nitro, a veteran of the Great Electronic War, a pilot and espionage expert; Acid, another Electronic War veteran who was a front line soldier, and is expert on explosives and combat tactics; and Mark Salvos, the Director of Section 6 of the Police Investigations, and yet another veteran of the Electronic War.
Comments: The first two issues of the comic were published by Servo Media, then the latter two by Cygnus Comics.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
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