Real Name: Brassneck (modified to B-R455/N3(K) in the digital Dandy)
Identity/Class: Robot
Occupation: School boy
Affiliations: Charley Brand (best friend), Sam (Charley's uncle, creator)
Enemies: Swotty, Professor Dooyerwurst, Bull-Neck, Egor
Known Relatives: Professor Dooyerwurst (creator), Bull-Neck (fellow creation, "brother"); Charley's uncle Sam (creator); Charley's Great Uncle Professor Puffin (creator); see comments
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Dandy #1202 (D.C.Thomson, 5th December 1964)
Brassneck has telescopic limbs, and is surprisingly strong, agile and ingenious.
The digital comics' version can transform shape at the flick of a switch
on the back of his head.
History: (version 1) Following an illness, "Chuckler" Charlie Brand was sent by his parents to stay with his scientist Uncle Sam in Yorkshire to get his strength up. However, every time Charlie attempted to amuse himself, be it with a train set indoors or football outdoors, he managed to draw the ire of Sam's miserable housekeeper, Miss Moffat. Deciding the problem was that Charlie lacked anyone to play with, Uncle Sam solved the problem by building a robot schoolboy, Brassneck, his whole body and cunningly-jointed limbs shaped out of brass and steel, while his innards were a maze of wires and marvellous electric gadgets. Brassneck quickly won Charlie over with a display of football skills, establishing a firm basis for what would prove an enduring friendship.
(version 2) Brassneck was created by the evil Professor
Dooyerwurst, but was freed from his villainous master by Charley Brand, who
became his best friend. Dooyerwurst built a new robot, Bull-Neck, to try
and recover Brassneck, but was never successful.
(version 3) Brassneck was created by Professor Puffin to be the ultimate fighting machine but something went wrong with his wiring, making him default to fun rather than fighting. Stored in Puffin's attack, Brassneck was left to the professor's great nephew upon his creator's demise, and became Charley's friend and playmate.
Created by Bill Holroyd.
Brassneck originally had a very simple origin of being created specifically to be Charley Brand's playmate. However, in the 1980s a new origin was introduced, revealing him to be the creation of the evil scientist Dooyerwurst.
In the digital version of the Dandy published online after
the print comic's demise, Brassneck's origin was again modified, this time
making him the creation of Professor Puffin, Charley Brand's great uncle.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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