Real Name:
Identity/Class: Human transformed by magic
Occupation: Guardian of the Tiger Temple
Affiliations: Master Chin, Dragon Dojo, Golden Dragon, Xuan Chi
Enemies: Zodiac Master, Shadow Dragon
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hong Kong
First Appearance: Legend of the Dragon
Powers/Abilities: Skilled martial artist, able to fire her talons.
History: Raised in Master Chin's Dojo, Beingal is the guardian of the Tiger Temple, and an ally of the Golden Dragon against the power hungry Zodiac Master and his ally the Shadow Dragon.
Comments: Created by Richard Ungar.
Country of original publication/appearance: U.S.A.
Original Media: Cartoon
Other Media: Computer game
Played by: Unknown
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Bengal, foe of Dardevil
Tigra, Marvel feline heroine who looks somewhat similar to Beingal
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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