The Mask
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Man of Many Faces
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: The Mask: The Man of Many Faces #1(Australian comic)
Powers/Abilities: A master of disguise.
History: Unknown
Comments: Created by Yaroslav Horak.
Thanks to Gerald Carr for informing me of who created the Mask and providing the image used here.
Thanks to Dansen T.Stahl who provided the following information, gleaned from an old fan magazine "Rocket Blast Comi-Collector".
"Costume: Trenchcoat. Fedora. Form-fitting faceless mask with eye-indentations {like the Question's}. The "Man of Many Faces" appeared in his own title. He wore a white trench coat with purple buttons, grey hat with white band, green scarf, orange pants and brown shoes. Art was by Larry Hurak and quite good. He had no alter ego or super powers." The original contributors to the magazine were John Ryan and Howard P. Siegel
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Mask, Golden Age hero
The Mask, enemy of Ironmaster
The Mask, utterly insane Dark Horse character
The Mask, Magno foe
M.A.S.K., team of heroes with high-tech vehicles and masks
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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