Alpha Flight
Guardian (James MacDonald Hudson),
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski),
Shaman, Northstar,
Aurora, Puck,
Marrina, Box (Bochs),
Wild Child, Diamond
Lil, Vindicator (Heather Hudson),
Talisman, Box
(Jeffries), Windshear, Wyre, Flex, Manbot, Murmur, Sasquatch (animal), Radius,
Earthmover, Stitch, Saint Elmo, Smart Alec
Purpose: To defend Canada
Affiliations: X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four
Enemies: Omega Flight, the Master of the World
Base of Operations: Canada
First Appearance: X-Men #120 (Marvel Comics)
Comments: Created by John Byrne and Chris Claremont.
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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