Adam Destine
Real Name: Adam of
Identity/Class: Human magical mutate
former crusader
Group Membership: Clan Destine
Affiliations: Wolverine (Logan/James Howlett)
Enemies: Dr. Hywel Griffin, the Omegans, Synraith, Tral
Known Relatives: Elalyth (wife); Jasmine (Kay Cera/Cuckoo), Gracie Gamble, Samantha ("Sam Hasard"/Argent), Pandora (Imp) (daughters); Florence (daughter, deceased); Albert, Newton, Walter (Wallop), Will ("Will Chance"/Cap'n Oz), Nathaniel, Rik, Sebastian, Dominic (Hex), Rory (Crimson Crusader) (sons); Thaddeus, Maurice "Fortuit," Lance, Garth, Sherlock, Vincent (sons, deceased), unidentified parents (both deceased)
Aliases: Adam of Destine
Base of Operations: Ravenscroft, England, UK
Appearance: ClanDestine I#1 (August 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Adam is virtually immortal and invulnerable to pretty much everything - not even prolonged exposure to outer space can hurt him.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Summary:Granted immortality and invulnerability by his genie lover, Adam of Ravenscroft became the father of several superhuman children over subsequent centuries.
Comments: Created by Alan Davis.
checklist (not including reprints): Clan Destine I#1-12; Clan
Destine II#1-5; X-Men/Clan Destine#1-2; Fantastic Four Annual I#33;
Wolverine Annual III#1
Destine should not be confused with:
First Posted: Circa 14/09/2004
Last updated: 18/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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