Kipa Kid
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Normal human with high tech equipment
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: The Jewish Hero Corps
Enemies: Fobots, Apathons, Haman
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: Capped Crusader
Base of Operations: Orbiting HQ
First Appearance: Animated Comic as featured piece in Quarterly multimedia Magazine CD-Jemm, number 2, Autumn, 1996
Powers/Abilities: Rides around on a "Yarmaha" motorbike, has gadgets hidden within his yarmulke and gartel (his "utility gartel"?), such as a Yamarang, radio, bullet-proof handshield, parachute and more.
History: Unknown
Comments: Created by Alan Oirich. Image on this page very kindly supplied by him (and remains his copyright).
Any Additions/Corrections? Please let me know.
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