Yankee Girl
Name: Kitty Kelly
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Airline hostess
Affiliations: None
Enemies: None known
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: (as Kitty Kelly) Punch Comics #1 (Harry A. Chesler, 1941); (as Yankee Girl) Captain Flight Comics #8 (Four Star, 1945); (costumed Kitty Kelly) Red Seal Comics #17 (Harry A. Chesler, 1946)
Powers/Abilities: Could become superhumanly strong in times of extreme stress.
(Punch Comics #1-2) Kitty Kelly was an airline hostess who got tangled
up in various adventures.
(Captain Flight Comics #8-9) Still adventuring several years later, Kitty picked up the nickname Yankee Girl.
(Red Seal Comics #17) No longer using the superheroic nickname, Kitty nonetheless adopted a superhero-style costume.
Comments: Kitty originally appeared as a non-costumed, non-secret identity heroine in 1941. When she reappeared in 1945, now in a Four Star Publications title, she had gained a codename, Yankee Girl, the same as another of Chesler's characters, but was otherwise the same non-superhero adventurer. Then a year later, she had ditched the codename, but gained a costume.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Yankee Girl, Lauren Mason
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