
Real Name: Wormy

Identity/Class: Dragon

Occupation: Role-player

Affiliations: Irving, Ace, Fred


Known Relatives: None


Base of Operations:

First Appearance: Wormy, Dragon Magazine #9 (TSR, 1983)


History: Wormy is a dragon who lives in a cave in the woods and occupies his time hustling at pool, cheating at cards and wargaming (with live pieces - being a comparatively nice guy, Wormy hires trolls, who can regenerate from injuries, rather than kidnapping and forcing smaller species to play, as is the norm amongst giant creatures who wargame). His best friend is an imp, Irving.

Comments: Created by David A. Trampier. He first appeared in the ninth issue of TSR's roleplaying game magazine Dragon. A regular feature in the comics section, his strip continued to appear until issue 132, though Wormy himself did not appear in every installment; as his supporting cast grew, plot developments sometimes saw the story follow the exploits of other characters in Wormy's neighborhood.

CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with

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