First appearing in the movie "The Terminator" in 1984, Terminators are killing machines controlled by Skynet, a sentient defence network computer system which killed most of humanity by initiating a nuclear war. With the survivors attempting to put up a resistance, Skynet used the Terminators (robots initially, later cyborgs) to hunt down and eliminate the remaining humans. As Skynet began to lose the war, it decided it had to eliminate the leader of the resistance, John Connor, before he could organise opposition to the machines. So it began to send operatives back in time to do just that...
Cromartie |
Catherine Weaver/T-1001 |
T-600 |
T-700 |
Vick Chamberlain |
T-70 |
Myron Stark |
Carter |
Carl Greenway |
James Ellison |
Rosie |
I-950 |
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