Publisher: IPC
Format: Weekly anthology
First Issue: 6th February 1971
Last Issue: 23rd June 1984
Absorbed: Sally, Sandie, June, Jinty, Misty
Absorbed into: Girl (see Comments)
Strips: Alison All Alone, All Eyes on 3E, Amanda Must Not Be Expelled, Babe of St Woods, Backhanded Billie, Backhand Play, Back-Stab Ballerina, Ballerina in Blue Jeans, The Ballet in the Back Streets, Beattie Beats 'em All, Becky Never Saw the Ball, Belinda Bookworm, Bella at the Bar, Bessie Bunter, Beth all Alone, Betina and the Haunted Ballet, Betina at Ballet School, Betta to Lose, The Black-and-White-World of Shirley Grey, Brainy Brenda, The Breaking of Faith, A Bus in the Family, The Button Box, The Camp on Candy Island, Carol in Camelot Street, Cassie’s Coach, Castaways on Voodoo Island, The Cat Girl; The Cat's Eye on Kath, The Champion from Nowhere, The Cheats of Barn End, Cinderella Sidekick, Cinderella Spiteful, Cindy of Swan Lake, Circus of the Damned, The Clock and Cluny Jones, The Clothes Make Carol; Come Back, Bindi; Common Cathy, Cora Can't Lose, Courier Carol; Crawl, Carrie, Crawl; Cross on Court, Crystal who Came in from the Cold, Cuckoo in the Nest; Cut-Glass Crystal, Daffy and the Giddy Gang, Dancer Entranced, Danger Dog, Dara into Danger, Daughter of the Desert, Daughter of the Regiment; Dawn and Kerry, Double for Trouble; Day and Knight, Dear Diary - I hate you!, Derry the Dowser, The Destiny Dolls, Di and the Dolphins, Diff'rent Strokes, Dirty Trix, Donna Ducks Out, Dottie the Double, Double - or Nothing!, Down-to-Earth Blairs, Drawn to Destiny, A Dream For Yvonne, Dulcie Wears the Dunce's Hat, Ella's Ballet Boat, Ella on Easy Street, E.T. Estate, Eva's Evil Eye, The Fairground of Fear, Father's Footsteps, First Term at Trebizon, For Isabel with Love, Foul Play, The Four Friends at Spartan School; Gaby's Green Boxes, Gail at Windyridge; Get Your Skates On, Katie; Gina, Get Lost; A Girl Called Midnight, A Girl Called Steve, The Girl in the Big Chair, The Girl in the Window, The Girls of Liberty Lodge, Glen – Lonely Dog on a Quest, Glenda’s Glossy Pages, Goldie Alone; Goodbye, Jo...; A Gran for the Gregorys, Granny's Town, Guitar Girl, The Gypsy Gymnast, Halves in a Horse, The Happiest Days, Here Comes Trouble; Hetty, Horse Hater; Hidebound Hayley, High-Rise Hazel, Hit the Headlines, Hannah!, A Horse Called September, The Ice Girl; I'm Her - She's Me!; It's a Dog's Life, Jaki Rides Again, Jaws, Jilly Liar, Jolly's Hockey Stick, Julie's Jinx, Jumble-Sale Jilly; Jump, Jump, Julia; Katie on Thin Ice, Katrina and Kahn, Lara the Loner, A Lead Through Twilight, Lights-Out for Lucinda, Linda Left-Out, Linda's Fox, Little Miss Nothing, Little Sisters, The Loneliest Girl in the World, Lonely Ballerina, The Lonely Dancer, The Long and the Short, Lord of the Dance, Lori Left-Behind, Lucky by Name, Mad Hattie, Maggie's Magnificent Seven, Maggie's Menagerie; Make Your Mind Up, Maggie; Maisie's Magic Eye, The Making of Mary Connie's Curio Shop, Mam'selle X, Mandy and the House of Models, Mask of Melissa, Molly Mills, Monster Tales, Mouse, My 'Brother' George; My Father, My Enemy; My Shining Sister, My Terrible Twin, Namby Pamby, Nanny Young, Nell Nobody, A New Leaf for Nancy, Nina's Nightmare World, No Haven for Hayley, No Love for Lindy, No Love for Liza, No Tears for Molly, No Use to Anyone, Now You See Her, Nurse Grudge, Odds on Patsy, Olympia Jones, One Girl and Her Dog; Our Janie, Little Mum; The Outcast at Oakbridge, Palomo, Pam of Pond Hill, Paula on a String, Peggy in the Middle, Plain as Pearl, Portrait of Doreen Grey, Prim and Donna, Prince of the Wild, Push-along Patti, Queen Rider, Rae Rules OK, Red Letter Rosie, The Revenge of Edna Hack, Rhona's Rainstones; Rita, My Robot Friend; Roberta's Rebels, Romy's Return, Rona Rides Again, Room for Rosie, Rosie of Ragged Row, Rosie-Lee Rosie, Ruthless Ruth, Sadie in the Sticks, Sally in a Shell, Sandy and Steve; Sandy, A Girl Like You; Sarah in the Shadows, Sara's Kingdom, Sarita in Uniform, Saving Grace, School for Snobs, The School on Neville's Island, The Sea Spirit, The Sea Witches, The Secret Ballerina, Secret Ballet of the Steppes, The Secret of Angel Smith, Secret of the Skulls, The Secret of the Stables, The Secret of Trebaran, The Shadow in Shona’s Life, The Shadow of Sherry Brown, Shadow on the Stage, Shani Must Shine, Sheena so Shy, Sheri Claire's Airs and Graces, The Sign of the Scorpion, Simple Simona, Sister in the Shadows; Sit It Out, Sheri; Skimpy must Ski, Slave of the Clock, Slaves of the Hot Stove, Slaves of War Orphan Farm, Sour Grapes for Sophie, Spell of Fog, The Stables Slave, Star Struck Sister, Steffi in the Swim, Stella Stirrer, The Stranger in My Shoes, The Strange Story, The Sungod's Golden Curse, Sweet and Sour Charity, The Swimmer Slave of Mrs Squall, Tag-Along Tania, TEAM in Action; Temper, Temper, Tina!; Tess on Tap, Those Jumps ahead of Jaki, Thursday’s Child, Time Trap!, Tina's Telly Mum, Tina on a Tightrope, Tomorrow Town, Town without Telly, Towne in the Country, Trina Drop-Out, Two-faced Teesha, Two Leads for Luther, The Upper Crust, Vision of Vanity Fayre, Waifs of the Wigmaker, Wanda of the Waterways, Wars of the Roses, Wee Sue, What's Wrong with Rhona?, Witch Hazel, The Witch of Widecombe Wold, Wolf at our Door
Comments: Tammy was apparently intended to be merged into Girl, but thanks to a printer's dispute in June 1984 the final issues of Tammy were never published. In August 1984 Girl added Tammy's name to the title, heralding the "merge" but no stories from Tammy appeared; the "and Tammy" lasted into September, but was gone by October.
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