Strip Magazine
a.k.a.: Strip: The Adventures Comic Magazine
Publisher: Print Media Productions
Format: Anthology - intended to be monthly, but schedule was inconsistent
First Issue (volume 1): Strip #0 (May 2011)
Last Issue (volume 1): Strip #7 (December 2012)
First Issue (volume 2): Strip #1 (April 2013)
Last Issue (volume 2): Strip #2 (August 2013)
Absorbed: None
Absorbed into: None
Strips: Hook Jaw, Warpaint, Savant, Recovery Incorporated, Age of Heroes, Black Ops Extreme, Cosmic Patrol, Autospy and Ape, Agent Syber, The Devil's Heritage, Bogey-Man Bob, Shimon of Samaria, Black Dragon, King Cobra
Comments: Not to be confused with Strip.
The first volume of this Strip Magazine ran for seven issues. Despite a strong line-up of stories, an erratic publishing schedule contributed to its demise. A free preview issue zero in May 2011 was used to promote the new series, which was only available through subscription and specialist comic shops, though from the outset there were plans to widen sales to the high street in 2012. The official issue 1 followed in October of the same year, with issues 2 through 4 staying roughly on schedule (there was no release in December 2011), but after issue #4's release in February 2012, there was a lengthy delay. The intention was announced to relaunch with a new issue #1 in June 2012, this time available in newsagents, then (in June) was postponed to September, but with the promise of volume 1 #5 to come before then. After further delay, that fifth issue actually came out digitally in August, with #6 digitally released in September, and a combined, extra large (100 page) printed #5/6 in October. Still with no sign of volume 2, a Christmas-themed issue #7 instead came out in December 2012. Volume 2's first issue finally came out in late April 2013, though I can personally attest that some newsagents didn't get the issue in until several weeks later than that - it was at least two weeks after others on online forums confirmed picking up copies in their newsagents before the W.H.Smiths nearest to me finally got some copies in. Issue #2 didn't come out until August of 2013, and the announced third issue sadly never materialised.
Bosnian publisher Ivo Milicevic was a childhood fan of British adventure comics, and when he discovered that there were virtually no comics of that type still around, he came up with the idea of Strip, recruiting British comic writing and editorial veteran John Freeman to edit the magazine in February 2010. When the comic finally came out, it used both new strips and reprints of older British and European ones
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